Venturer Scouts Take On Blue Mountain Summit

It’s steady climb from the North base of Blue Mountain Hill to the summit.

When restrictions open up for youth groups and activities, Scouts Canada’s First Five Island Venturer company took the opportunity to get outside and explore the wilderness. The group meets at the Estabrooks Community Hall on Wednesday evenings where they plan fun adventures to discover new things and experiences they wouldn’t have the opportunity to do otherwise. Along the way, they develop into capable, confident and well-rounded individuals, better prepared for success in the world.

Thankfully the group doesn’t have to go far to find an adventure in Halifax.  With the Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Wilderness Area in our backyard, adventure is at our doorsteps, and on the morning of February 13, the group took advantage of this 6 km hike.

The Venturers were challenged by the steady climb from the North base of Blue Mountain Hill to the summit, crossing what could become the Highway 113 corridor. At the summit, they found a cache of stones and a windy unlimited view from the highest point in Halifax Regional Municipality. Between discussions of hockey and video games, the Ventures reflected on the beauty of the wilderness view, and the loss that would be felt should a highway be allowed in this area. Not only does Blue Mountain-Birch Cove preserve an important ecological balance of the area, but it also provides a fun destination for residents of all ages to get out in the fresh air.

Scouts Canada
Jack Goulden, Thomas Smith, Nathan Jay, George Webster, Christopher Webster, Alex Kerr, Zachary Kerr, Scouter Warren Smith and Scouter Gary Jay (Pic by Scouter John Bignell)